Saturday 6 September 2008

Successful Robot-Assisted Surgery For Urinary Abnormality


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Wednesday 27 August 2008

Recall over listeriosis fears expands to 4 more products

Four more than ready-made sandwich brands take in been added to a massive voluntary meat echo in connection with a deadly listeria meningitis outbreak crosswise the state, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said.

In a statement released early Tuesday, the CFIA aforesaid the Alberton, P.E.I.-based Atlantic Prepared Foods Ltd. is recalling its Irving, Sub Delicious and Needs brand sandwiches.

The products are sold in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.

There get been no reported illnesses associated with the economic consumption of these sandwiches, merely they contain some of the kernel products from the Maple Leaf Foods plant in Toronto that have already been recalled, the CFIA said.

Metro Ontario Inc. too pulled some of its Fresh 2 Go sandwiches from A & P and Dominion stores for the same reason, the CFIA said.

Over the weekend, the Toronto plant was confirmed as being involved in the outbreak of the food-borne illness, caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. On Monday, Maple Leaf upgraded a precautional recall of 23 of its products, issued last week, to all 220 packaged meats from the plant.

29 confirmed cases, 15 deaths

On Tuesday, the company aforesaid it was again delaying the opening of the Toronto facility.

There are now 29 confirmed cases of listeriosis, up from 21, the Public Health Agency of Canada said Tuesday afternoon.

Of the 29, there are 15 confirmed deaths, mostly in Ontario but besides one each in B.C., Saskatchewan and Quebec, the agency said. The listeria strain was the fundamental or tributary factor in six of those 15 fatalities spell the deaths of the other nine-spot patients, wHO had the bacterium in their system, are inactive under investigation to limit the demand cause, the agency said.

Another 30 medical cases � in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec � are being examined for possible ties to the outbreak.

Food safety rules motive 'revamp': Harper

Also Tuesday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper stressed the seriousness of the irruption.

"This is a terrible development and I want to express my condolences to the families world Health Organization have been affected," he said in Ottawa.

"I think all of us, and plain I include my possess family in this, we expect that when we shop that the things we buy or that we eat are passing to be safe."

Harper cited increased resources and inspectors in the last federal budget as examples of how the government realizes it is necessary to "reform and revamp" Canada's food and product review processes after "some years of neglect."

"All members of government have been on top of this," Harper said.

"Obviously, we want to make certain that the companies maintain their responsibilities and that we to the full review all the facts here, and understand what went wrong and how it can buoy be prevented from happening in the future."

A secret cabinet document leaked lowest month suggested the Conservatives wanted to hand over inspection duties to industry.

In an interview with CBC's Dianne Buckner on Tuesday, Health Minister Tony Clement did non reveal the Conservatives' future plans for food inspection reform, or else echoing Harper's assertion that the government has already started making changes.

"Government policy was to employ 200 more inspectors, that's what we've done since we achieved power in January '06," he aforementioned from the U.S. Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colo.

"When it comes to health and safety, you can't scrimp and save; you've got to do your problem on behalf of Canadians and that's what we're doing."

While critics have questioned Clement's presence in Denver in the wake of the listeriosis outbreak, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, wHO is responsible for for the CFIA, forthwith returned to Ottawa from his Saskatchewan riding to manage the crisis.

Clement told Buckner it was important he look the DNC as "we've got a lot of environmental issues with the United States, a draw of energy issues with the United States, and so contribution of my role hither is to protect and defend Canadian interests."

He testament return to Canada for a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, he said.

Contamination generator may never be found

Symptoms of listeriosis � which include high fever, severe concern, neck stiffness and sickness � occur up to 70 days after overwhelming contaminated food, though the average incubation period is 30 years, the union food federal agency said.

People most at risk of exposure include newborns, the elderly, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems, public wellness officials aforementioned. People should wash bring out and annul unpasteurized milk and dairy farm products, the CFIA advised.

Public health and company officials said the source of the pollution may ne'er be base since listeria is widespread and usually found in the environment, such as in soil and in water.

Maple Leaf Foods estimates the hark back will directly cost the company at least $20 million, with further losings expected imputable to lost sales and advertising to rebuild its image.

With files from the Canadian Press

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Sunday 17 August 2008

Cancer Cells With A Long Breath: Seeking The Origin Of Brain Tumours In Children

�Medulloblastoma is one of the nearly common and most malignant brain tumours among children and teenagers. These tumours grow very rapidly, and fifty percent of patients in the long term die from the consideration. The details of the processes that lead to the growth of these tumours have remained unknown until at present. In two studies, working together with international scientific teams, LMU medical scientist Dr. Ulrich Sch�ller has now successfully revealed certain molecular mechanisms that lead to the development of these cerebellar tumours. As reported in the current issue of the journal "Cancer Cell", the researchers triggered genetic changes in cell populations in the brains of mice in order to provoke the growth of tumours. It turned out that medulloblastomas arose from only one type of cell granule cells and only if these were already full committed. "Medulloblastomas are soon treated with nonspecific methods," states Sch�ller. "Our results could kick in to the development of targeted therapies, and thus improve the treatment of cerebellar tumours in children."

When children

Thursday 7 August 2008

Gato Idiota

Gato Idiota   
Artist: Gato Idiota




   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 11


Tuesday 1 July 2008

Revisiting "Hopkins" for a checkup

As if neurosurgery weren't dramatic enough.

Dr. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa is in the middle of removing a tumor from his patient's brain. Someone bumps into a piece of equipment. For a moment, it's unclear whether the sudden movement has harmed the man on the operating table.

And it's all caught on tape, as part of a new six-part series produced by ABC News.

"Hopkins," a follow-up to the acclaimed "Hopkins 24/7" from 2000, takes viewers inside the renowned hospital in Baltimore.

Johns Hopkins Hospital officials said after the mostly positive feedback they received after the first documentary, they had few reservations about opening their corridors for a second time.

Executive producer Terence Wrong, who also produced the first series, said he wanted to revisit Hopkins because of changes that had taken place since the first series, such as more women and international staff members, in addition to improved technology.

One of the biggest changes in the new series, he said, is the stronger focus on the doctors' stories. Among the vignettes, Quiñones-Hinojosa discusses how he entered the country illegally, beginning as a fruit picker and becoming a sought-after physician.

See Also

Thursday 26 June 2008

Seth Rogen Says Kevin Smith's 'Porno' Is Having Trouble Getting An R Rating Instead Of NC-17

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico — Are Zack and Miri making a controversy?

MTV News recently caught up with fast-rising funnyman Seth Rogen, who is busy these days making his first Judd Apatow-free films since the super-producer aided his "Knocked Up"/ "Superbad" breakthrough. And while he always stays true to his reputation as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, the star admitted that it's been a little bit harder lately to keep that famous smile on his face.

"The MPAA is gunning for us, I think," sighed Rogen, discussing the current difficulties he and director Kevin Smith are encountering during the rating process of their highly anticipated October comedy "Zack and Miri Make a Porno." "It's a really filthy movie. I hear they are having some problems getting an R rating from an NC-17 rating, which is never good."

Sure, the title alone would seem to indicate a natural conflict with the Motion Picture Association of America. But the film, about two platonic friends whose monetary needs have them making a sex tape but eventually falling for each other, sounds like vintage romance-through-rudeness fare from writer/director Smith. And if he was able to give his fans all those fellatio jokes in "Clerks," the finger-cuffs references in "Chasing Amy" and the donkey-show performance in "Clerks 2," then what's the problem?

"They are really f---ing around with us," Rogen said, only half-joking. "Those di--s!

"A guy f---ing a donkey, they ain't got no problem with," he continued. "But a man and a woman having sex they seem to have real issues with, for some weird reason. It's insane. It's completely insane."

It might be a bit out of character to hear such comments from a comedian beloved for his hearty laugh and easygoing attitude, both of which were most recently glimpsed when he smoked "weed" with James Franco at the MTV Movie Awards. But the fact remains that the MPAA has a long history of censoring love scenes in films like "The Cooler" or "Team America: World Police," while permitting graphic violence in R-rated films like the "Saw" or "Hostel" series.

"They [fight against] sex stuff. Isn't that weird? It's really crazy to me that 'Hostel' is fine, with people gouging their eyes out and sh-- like that," Rogen shrugged. "But you can't show two people having sex — that's too much."

We weren't able to reach Smith or the MPAA for comment on Rogen's remarks. But Rogen, who is also busy these days shooting the comedy "Observe & Report" opposite Anna Faris, added that no matter which rating "Zack and Miri" carries when it opens nationwide on Halloween, he's done with the mysterious, anonymous board that makes such judgment calls.

"The MPAA? It's my mission to sue the MPAA and take them down," he insisted. "I don't know how to go about doing that. But to me, it seems like it's something that has to be taken care of."

Check out everything we've got on "Zack and Miri Make a Porno."

For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit

See Also

Wednesday 25 June 2008

The Suspects

The Suspects   
Artist: The Suspects

Rock: Punk-Rock


99 Paid   
 99 Paid

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 13


Sex And The City - Crystal Skull Unbreakable Overseas

Tuesday 24 June 2008


Artist: Pheek




   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 1

Magda Had A Little Troll Vinyl   
 Magda Had A Little Troll Vinyl

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 2


   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 4


   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 4

De Begg Deg   
 De Begg Deg

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 1


Foo Fighters Fans Call Led Zeppelin Gig 'Greatest Show Ever'

Foo Fighter’s onstage collaboration with Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones has “blown all gigs out the water” and “will never be beaten”.

Those are the thoughts of just one Gigwise reader who contacted us following the surprise collaboration at Wembley Stadium in London last Saturday (June 7th).

As previously reported, Page and Jones joined Dave Grohl’s band during their encore, playing Led Zeppelin songs ‘Ramble On’ and ‘Rock and Roll’.

It was the first time that Led Zeppelin had reunited to play their own songs since their one off show at the O2 Arena in London last December.

Contacting Gigwise, Annabel, who was lost for words, said simply that the show was the best night of her life.

Dunc was just as impressed, saying: “The Foo Fighters with Led Zep.....pure genius. The most incredible set I have ever seen!!”

Irene said: “My third Foos concert and by far one of the best concerts I have ever seen!!”

While Tom described the gig as “a part of history”, Emma said: “I was there and it was fuckin insane I loved every minute of it!!

“We traveled 8 hours to get there but it was worth every minute. This was my 6th time seeing these legends but this was by far the best rock show I have ever been to.”

You can see all the footage from the concert on Gigwise here. What did you think of the show?

Let us know by posting a comment below. If you sign up, your comments will be automatically approved.

See Also

The Grouch, Daddy Kev and D-Styles

The Grouch, Daddy Kev and D-Styles   
Artist: The Grouch, Daddy Kev and D-Styles

Rap: Hip-Hop


Sound Advice   
 Sound Advice

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 11


Entertainment blog - music and movies news

Kenny G

Kenny G   
Artist: Kenny G

Jazz: Crossover Jazz


At Last... The Duets Album   
 At Last... The Duets Album

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 13

Wishes - A Holiday Album   
 Wishes - A Holiday Album

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 11

Faith: A Holiday Album   
 Faith: A Holiday Album

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 12

Greatest Hits   
 Greatest Hits

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 16

The Moment   
 The Moment

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 12

Miracles, The Holiday Album   
 Miracles, The Holiday Album

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 11


   Year: 1992   
Tracks: 15


   Year: 1988   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 1986   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 1985   
Tracks: 9

G Force   
 G Force

   Year: 1983   
Tracks: 8

Kenny G   
 Kenny G

   Year: 1982   
Tracks: 9


Tracks: 14


Tracks: 11

Kenny G has long been the musician many jazz listeners beloved to hatred. A phenomenally successful player whose recordings make the pop charts, Kenny G's sound has been a staple on adult contemporary and smooth malarkey radio stations of the Cross since the mid-'80s, making him a family name. Kenny G is a fine participant with an attractive sound (influenced a bit by Grover Washington, Jr.) world Health Organization frequently caresses melodies, putting a lot of emotion into his solos. Because he does not extemporize often (sticking for the most part to predictable melody statements), his euphony for the most part falls outside of nothingness. However, because he is listed at the top of "present-day jazz" charts and is identified with malarkey in the minds of the mass world, he is classified as jazz.

Kenny Gorelick started playacting professionally with Barry White's Love Unlimited Orchestra in 1976. He recorded with Cold, Bold & Together (a Seattle-based funk grouping) and freelanced topically. After graduating from the University of Washington, Kenny G worked with Jeff Lorber Fusion, making two albums with the chemical group. Soon he was signed to Arista, recording his debut as a leader in 1982. His fourth album, Duotones (which included the very popular "Songster"), made him into a star. Soon he was in demand for guest appearances on recordings of such notable singers as Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, and Natalie Cole. Kenny G's have records have sold remarkably substantially, specially Breathless, which has easy topped eight-spot 1000000 copies in the U.S.; his total album sales top 30 1000000 copies. 1994's holiday album Miracles and 1996's Minute continued the momentum of his massive commercial success. He also recorded his possess version of the Celine Dion/Titanic smash "My Heart Will Go On" in 1998, just the next year he released Classics in the Key of G, a accumulation of idle words standards like "'Round Midnight" and "Organic structure & Soul," mayhap to repossess some jazz believability.

Faith: A Holiday Album was released that same year, followed up by a limited edition re-release of the 1997 Superlative Hits disc. 2002 launch Kenny G dipping into tropical dominion with Paradise, which featured invitee appearances by Brian McKnight and Chanté Moore. This was followed by a music video collecting, some other holiday record album, entitled Wishes, and, in 2003, a second greatest-hits solicitation, Ultimate Kenny G. Perhaps in a press to agitate up his discography a bit, in 2004 Kenny G released At Last...The Duets Album, which featured "duets" with LeAnn Rimes and Chaka Khan. Two days afterward, fluid jazz's martin Luther King of the treble adolphe Sax returned to a strictly instrumental approach path on the bodacious, big-band-inspired albums Holiday Collection and I'm in the Mood for Love. 2006 was also the year the creative person was dubbed the c. H. Best linksman in euphony by Golf Digest, beating out Vince Gill for the number unitary spot.

Martina Topley-Bird, The Blue God

It's the fate of the muse to be forever defined by the artist they inspire. So it seemed for Martina Topley Bird who, after providing the sultry female foil to Tricky's paranoia on his first three albums, was thereafter apparently doomed to just being 'that girl off Maxinquaye'. Not even the Mercury Music Prize nomination for her 2003 solo debut, Quixotic, could shake that either: As much attention was focused on the male producers and guests like David Holmes, Josh Homme and Tricky (again) as Martina. That might partly have been due to institutionalised music business sexism, yet good as Quixotic was it also wasn't as coherent as it needed to be, and Martina spent the next five years again playing second fiddle on collaborations with Gorillaz and Diplo.

Which certainly isn't the role we find her in on the follow-up. For even though she's run the risk of being overshadowed by her choice of producer again - and there can surely be no-one more in demand than Danger Mouse right now – her enigmatic yet sensual presence floats right to the foreground of the world they've constructed on The Blue God. And The Blue God is a complete world, one that's eerie, eccentric and extremely English and seems a million miles away from the sunshine-soaked Los Angeles where it was recorded. It's the title as much as the sound of first single, Carnies – the most 'pop' moment here – that's the biggest clue to what to expect. For much of The Blue God does feel like a haunted carnival, with a distinctly sinister atmosphere imparted by lines like, ''I contemplate his victims / as they die'' on April Grove - which would give PJ Harvey the shivers. Meanwhile Danger Mouse's production is a hall of mirrors, warping reflections of Ella Fitzgerald, two-tone ska, dark psychedelia and Pentangle's 'acid folk' into unsettling shapes on tracks like Baby Blue and Shangri La.

It's an often astonishing album and one which, if Tricky's forthcoming comeback can't match it, may curse him to be known as 'that bloke who used to rap with Martina Topley Bird'.

See Also

Fabio Mc

Fabio Mc   
Artist: Fabio Mc



Tridonic  Meteor A Vinyl   
 Tridonic Meteor A Vinyl

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 2


Los Straitjackets

Jacques Mayoud

Jacques Mayoud   
Artist: Jacques Mayoud

New Age



   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 15


Former stripper allowed to stay on Idol

'American Idol' producers have decided to allow contestant David Hernandez to stay in the competition despite his past as a stripper.
A number of media reports recently unveiled Hernandez's former job as an adult entertainer at a strip club, where he appeared nude and performed lap dances.
Reacting to the reports, 'American Idol' executive producer Ken Warwick told "We've had strippers on the show before."
"We're never judgmental about people who do things like that," he said.
"If it were some sort of heavy porn, then maybe we'd have to take action. But certainly not on this."
The Fox network, which broadcasts 'American Idol' in the US, declined to comment on the matter.